Solving Recruitment
and Retention Challenges for Research Teams

CliniContact is a tech-enabled platform that expedites participant recruitment through site selection, network enablement, digital engagement, and remote data collection.

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Supporting Researchers Globally

Our Results




Patients Reached


Increase in Randomizations


Hours Saved for Research Teams Weekly

The Problems We're Solving

Community Outreach

The best results come from pairing digital engagement with targeted, considered community outreach.

Targeted Participants

We utilize 730+ digital channels to reach prospective participants wherever they are–online, across the country, or down the street.

AI-Enabled Screening

Our proprietary, automated pre-screening process identifies pre-qualified participants for your study.

Get in touch

What we offer on recruitment

IRB-Approved Materials

Our team of experts ensures that all recruitment materials comply with IRB guidelines, maintaining ethical standards while maximizing engagement.

Multi-Platform Advertising

We create targeted ads on online and offline platforms, reaching a diverse audience and maximizing recruitment potential.

HCP-Community Referral Program

Access to our network of Healthcare Community Professionals– over 2.7M patient profiles across providers, healthcare professionals, and community organizations.

Expertise in Recruitment

Benefit from our experience in designing and executing successful digital recruitment campaigns.

What we offer on data management

Seamless Integration

Our recruitment strategies integrate seamlessly into our participant data management platform allowing your team to view all your data in one place.

Automated Process

Share your product or service offerings here. Give your prospective clients an overview of why they should use it. Differentiate it from the others listed on this page.

Customizable Dashboard

Share your product or service offerings here. Give your prospective clients an overview of why they should use it. Differentiate it from the others listed on this page.

Enhanced Collaboration

Share your product or service offerings here. Give your prospective clients an overview of why they should use it. Differentiate it from the others listed on this page.

Dr. Yousef Badran

Physician-Researcher, Massachusetts General Hospital
“As a gastroenterologist deeply involved in cutting-edge research, I understand the critical importance of efficient and reliable research studies. Working with CliniContact has been a game-changer. Their dedication to finding suitable candidates and their impeccable data management services have significantly accelerated the pace of our research.”

Why Clinicontact?

Culturally Sensitive Marketing

CliniContact specializes in engaging historically low-trust participant populations, ensuring access to diverse clinical research opportunities. We assist researchers in accurately reflecting the United States' population diversity in their trials.

Pre-Qualified Participants

CliniContact uses online data to find study participants, leveraging online search and social media. We engage community advocates and key opinion leaders through social network analysis to reach specific populations.

Enroll Quickly

Utilizing our screening technology and based on I/E criteria, we ensure your patient leads are legitimate, pre-qualified, and immediately ready for enrollment.

Comprehensive Plans

Recruitment Features
  • Designing IRB-approved materials
  • Recruitment on 2 social media platforms
  • Engage 100 providers

AI-Enabled Data Management Features

  • Form/screener (URL link and embedded version)
  • Lead management platform
  • Up to 5 automations (notifications, groupings, tagging)
  • Up to 3 user access to the board
  • Real-time reporting dashboard (4 widgets)
  • HIPAA Compliant
Recruitment Features
  • Designing IRB-approved materials
  • Recruitment on 3 social media platforms
  • Engage 200 providers

AI-Enabled Data Management Features

  • Form/screener (URL link and embedded version)
  • Lead Management Platform
  • Up to 10 automations
  • Up to 5 user access to the board
  • Real-time reporting dashboard (6 widgets)
  • HIPAA Compliant
Recruitment Features
  • Designing IRB-approved materials
  • Recruitment on 7 social media platforms
  • Engage 400 providers

AI-Enabled Data Management Features

  • Form/screener (URL link and embedded version)
  • Lead management platform
  • Up to 10 automations
  • Up to 10 user access to the board
  • Real-time reporting dashboard (6 widgets)
  • HIPAA Compliant

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